Working With The Travis Manion Foundation

CSz Philly Instructors and Travis Manion Foundation Staff

This week, we had the great fortune to lead an improv workshop at the Travis Manion Foundation in Doylestown, PA. The workshop centered on humor and courage followed by a staff-led discussion about how participants can use humor and courage in their own lives and leadership. 

Instructors Kristin Finger and Sarah LeClair led the workshop using exercises and improv games that encouraged play, risk taking and teamwork. The goal was to get participants out of their head and comfortable with failure; in improv there are no mistakes, only opportunities to discover a new approach. As in life, courage and teamwork in improv allows us to march through failure and uncertainty to success and victory. 

Participants were TMF staff members made up of veterans, individuals who lost family members in the service, and military spouses. The staff works with veterans and kids on a set of core values that help strengthen and develop their character for the good of future generations.

This was an extra special workshop for Kristin whose brother Brian is an Iraqi War vet.

The Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) empowers veterans and the families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations. For more info on this amazing organization and 1st Lt Travis Manion, click here

If you want info on an improv workshop for your organization, contact our Outreach Coordinator Emily Davis via email or call us at 484-450-8089.