Whether you are a new improviser or a pro, you deserve proven, experienced training. That’s what you’ll get at the Philadelphia School of Improv. We’ve been doing improv for over 30 years, and we’re pretty good at it.

Improv uses the same basic skill set regardless of what format or form you are doing. That being said, each form uses a different muscle and we believe, to be well-rounded performer, you should be exercising as many improv muscles as possible. That is why The Philadelphia School of Improv (PSI) offers classes on multiple forms. Click here to see our full curriculum and philosophy. Click here to meet our Instructors.

Scroll down or click the buttons below to find which class or workshop appeals to you as a performer and start there. We’ll be adding more classes as time goes on, so be sure to sign up for our PSI Mailing List to find out when new ones are added.

Students are required to see at least one show (either ComedySportz or a special show) during the course. Students receive 4 comps/semester to see shows for FREE (unless specified).

Spring Schedule (By Day)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
CSz 101A LF 301 CSz 101B CSz 201
CSz 301 N/A LF 201 Scene Work & Side Coaching


You want to perform improv like the Players in ComedySportz? Then this is the track for you! You’ll learn the basics and apply them to our game-based format of improv that is faster and varied in style.


In CSz 101, you will learn the basics of improv, focus on agreement (“yes, and-ing”), active listening, commitment, and being present in the moment. You will then start to apply these skills towards ComedySportz style improv. In this class, you will learn and play some of our favorite ComedySportz games, utilizing the basic skills and learning to trust yourself, all while making people laugh and having a lot of fun! If you’ve never done improv before, or you’d like to revisit the fundamentals of playing CSz style improv games from another perspective in an inclusive, safe, and fun environment, this class is for you. The class ends in a showcase for friends and family. No pre-requisite.

Intro to Improv - A - Spring 2025

When: Mondays, March 31-May 19
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Instructor:  Susannah Beckett
Location: CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street) (Wheelchair Accessible)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 12:00-1:00
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/2025

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Susannah Beckett has been a performing member of ComedySportz since 2007. She holds a theater degree from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. After University she toured the East coast for six months with the KingFisher Theater Company performing two original plays - both used puppets, one used fire. She has had the opportunity to teach with many great organizations including: Story-Up! as the Artistic Director 2018-2020, Open Circle as the lead instructor for the senior citizen improv group, Hedgerow Theater, Temple University, Thomas Jefferson University, and many more. She loves ComedySportz and for over a decade has been teaching for CSz as a class instructor, workshop leader and team building facilitator for non-profits, corporate clients and private events. Off the stage, she works as an Environmental Educator for Philadelphia Parks & Rec and teaches Landscape Ecology at TJU. She is delighted to use her improv skills everyday to help people connect to each other and the planet.

Intro to Improv - B - spring 2025

When: Wednesday, April 2 - May 21, 2025
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Instructor:  David Dritsas
Location: CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street) (Wheelchair Accessible)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/2025

+ Meet Your Instructor!

David has been performing improv and sketch professionally for over 20 years, working at ComedySportz in Philadelphia and Chicago. He also worked for The Second City Theatricals department, performing in various shows and aboard cruise ships. He has performed at the Annoyance Theater in Chicago in the long-running hit show, Hitch-Cocktails. He's back in Philly and regularly performs with popular improv shows such as Murder Manor, Roll Play, Off the Record, Puppets Here and There, and Trash Puppets. He also teaches for the Philadelphia School of Improv and facilitates corporate workshops for the CSz Applied Improv Program.


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


This course introduces you to the building blocks of scene work, giving you the tools to create honest relationship-driven scenes on stage. A few of our most popular games will be used to strengthen your listening, teamwork, and scene-building muscles as you become a stronger, faster more bionic improviser. Prerequisite: CSz 101, equivalent from another improv school, or permission from the Education Director, siobhan@comedysportzphilly.com

Scenework Study - SPRING 2025

When: Thursday, April 3 - May 22, 2025
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Instructor:  Keane Cobb
Location: CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street) (Wheelchair Accessible)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 5:00-6:30
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/25

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Keane Cobb is an actor, improviser, standup comedian and writer from Philadelphia, PA. Keane has been writing and performing his own brand of comedy since 2008 while living in Pittsburgh, PA. Keane has hosted at the Funny Bone in Albany, Helium Comedy Club and Punchline Comedy Club in Philadelphia. He is also a member of the all POC comedy troupe NYTEShift, the comedic trio known as Black History Monthly, the improv team Not Yet Rated, and a company member of ComedySportz. He has performed in a number of comedy festivals including the Pittsburgh Comedy Festival, Hell Yes Fest in New Orleans, New York Sketch Fest, NYC Improv Fest, Cinder Block Comedy Festival in Brooklyn, Diverse AF Festival in New York, We The People Improv Festival, Philly Sketch Fest, Philadelphia Podcast Festival, and Fringe Festival. More recently, Keane has taught multiple improv classes.

Keane has hosted/open for Tommy Davidson, John Heffron, Jessica Michelle Singleton, Jamali Maddix, Randy Feltface, Zach Martina, Duncan Tressel, Yedoye Travis, Darryl Charles, Setoiyo and Chappelle Lacey


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


This class continues to build your scene work ability through establishing characters and a strong understanding of relationship. You will explore how character work can push a scene/game forward utilizing a character’s want, need, and drive. Prerequisites: CSz 101 and 201, equivalent from another improv school, or permission from the Education Director, siobhan@comedysportzphilly.com

Characters and Relationships - spring 2025

When: Monday , March 31 - May 19, 2025
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Instructor:  Don Montrey
Location: CSz Green Room (2030 Sansom Street) (Barrier Intensive)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/2025

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Don Montrey: Don joined ComedySportz in 2002. He created and hosted the comedy shows DIE, ACTOR, DIE, The Dirtiest Sketch in Philadelphia and the NED Talks: Funny People Talking About Funny Things. For 13 years, Don was the Head News Writer for 1812 Productions’ This Is The Week That Is.


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


Now that you have a strong understanding of scene work, character, and relationship, we will push you toward directly applying them into your performance ability. Direct critique and side coaching will allow you to begin exploring who you are personally as an improviser and especially as a performer. Prerequisites: CSz 101 through 301.

😞 There is no CSz 401 class this semester.

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Coming Soon! 🤟


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


The CSz Conservatory is a class for students who have completed CSz 101-401 and are looking to improve their performance skills. Instructor Josh Holober-Ward will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a performer and will work with you to bridge your gaps and sharpen your skills. You’ll get the rigorous and supportive training you need followed by high-level feedback that is designed to cut right to the issue. And you’ll have fun doing it! Each class has two ComedySportz performances for friends and family. Prerequisite: completed CSz 101 thru 401 or permission of Education Director.

😞 There is no CSz Conservatory class this semester.


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


Long form improv is a series of scenes, based on a single suggestion, that are loosely connected and come together to make a cohesive, satisfying show. In our long form improv classes, you will learn the improv basics and apply them to scene work. As you progress, you will start to incorporate other techniques of the form.


In Long Form 101 you’ll start with the fundamentals of improv: agreement (“yes, and-ing”), active listening, emotional commitment, playing characters, making your scene partner look amazing, and being present in the moment. You will then start to apply these skills to scene work. No prerequisite.


😞 There is no LF101 401 class this semester.

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Coming Soon! 🤟


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


In 201, students will dive deeper into scene work, explore second beats, explore tag-outs and callbacks, learn different openings, and practice different approaches to improv, such as finding, playing, and heightening the game of the scene. Students will get to perform what they have learned in a class show for family and friends. The class ends in a showcase for friends and family. Pre-requisite: Long Form 101

Longform 201: Scene Study - Spring 2025

When: Wednesday, April 2 - May 21, 2025
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Instructor:  Jaime Chaifetz 
Location: CSz Green Room (2030 Sansom Street) (Barrier Intensive)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 3:00-4:00
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/25

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Jaime Chaifetz is an actor, comedian and improviser who has honed her craft while performing improv in New York City and Philadelphia. In New York she performed with the Magnet Theater at their running show, “You Are Not Alone”, and as a member of the Barracks team with the Armory Theater. She has guest coached indie improv teams in Philly such as Schmooty! and Six Different People, and performs with her team The Provin’ Cats as well as having been a performer on Human Horse Improv. Jaime is a graduate in improv comedy studies at UCB NY. She co-produced, co-wrote and starred in the series Effectively Schizo, which was an official selection at the New Jersey Web Film Festival, and won the award for Best Series Premise.


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.

LF 301 - The Harold

In Long Form 301, students focus on the Harold, the most renowned long form structure, developed by Del Close. In this class, students will learn about this long form structure and why it works, how to play group games, how to do a great run, and how to put the whole thing together. Students will get to perform the entire Harold for their class show. Prerequisite: Long Form 201 or permission of Education Director. Please contact the Education Director before you sign up if you have not recently taken the Long Form 201 class.

Longform 301: The Harold - Spring 2025

When: Tuesday, April 1 - May 20, 2025
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Instructor:  Nick Elmer
Location: CSz Green Room (2030 Sansom Street) (Barrier Intensive)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/25

+ Meet Your Instructor!

Nick has performed improv comedy for ten years and can currently be seen with The N-Crowd, No Diggity, and Breeders. He has taught all levels of improv classes at The Lab and Philly Improv Theater (PHIT). Besides that he also has years of experience coaching and directing independent improv projects including the recent Lab bunker team 1235, the PHIT Harold team Main Dog, the improvised sitcom Smoke Break, and others.

More than anything, he is excited to help improvisors find what they are great at and keep falling in love with the art form of improv comedy!


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


You have completed a number of classes. Or you are an experienced improviser with some years of performing under you belt. You now have the tools to take your skill set up a notch in PSI’s Improv Intensives. These classes are intense which means you hit the ground running and don’t stop until the final showcase. Get ready to work and have fun.

Scene Work and Side Coaching

Siobhan O’Hara

Looking for specific notes and scene work growth? Then this class is for you!

This 8-week intensive is all about digging deep into scene work with the support of side coaching. Together we'll pinpoint specific habits, lock down on game, and create sustainable scenes with specialized feedback along the way!

“Scene Work and Side Coaching” gives students the opportunity to hone their improv strengths while fine tuning other areas of performance.

If you’ve ever felt in need of mid-scene direction, this class will give you the chance to focus on successful game moves, support moves, and character development. Come ready to play and sharpen your improv instincts! Prerequisite: CSz 301 or LF 301 

Scene work and side coaching - Spring 2025

When: Thursday, April 3 - May 22, 2025
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Instructor:  Siobhan O’Hara
Location: CSz Green Room (2030 Sansom Street) (Barrier Intensive)
Showcase: Sunday, May 25, 2025 | Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Early Bird Deadline: 3/15/2025

+ Meet siobhan o'hara!

Siobhan O’Hara is a Philly based comedian performing improv for 10 years in New York and Philadelphia. In addition to ComedySportz, Siobhan worked as a cast member of The She-Quel and Dun-Dun: Improvized Crime Unit. Siobhan has performed at Philly Improv Theater, Crossroads Comedy Theater, performs in This Week Sucked at The Lab in Ambler and is a member of the indie improv team, Tchotchke. She is also the co-author of The Comedy Improv Handbook.


$275 • $325 • $350
Enroll earlier and save more!
Check out our Diversity Scholarship.
Multi-class discount eligible.
Take 15% off additional classes in the same semester.
Email or call us for details.


Back To Basics Workshop | 3 Hours

John Lutz

Learn how to make your improv less complicated by just going back to the core principles of improvisation. As performers, we tend to forget the simple things that we learned when we first started improvising. John Lutz will take you through a reminder course of the basics of improv: “Yes, and…”, emotional stakes and object work. And by going back to these simple “rules” of improv, it will help you create more playful and dynamic scenes.

Don’t miss John’s show 2 SQUARE! Click for details.


When: Saturday, April 5, 2025
12 PM - 3 PM
John Lutz
CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street)

+ Meet John Lutz!

JOHN LUTZ has been acting, improvising and writing for over 30 years. You may know him best as Lutz from 30 Rock. Other screen appearances include: Loot, Chicago Med, The Good Wife, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. He wrote for Saturday Night Live from 2004-2010 and is currently in his 10th year writing for Late Night with Seth Meyers. For 3 years, he toured the world from Bangkok to Rockford, IL with The Second City National Touring Company. He created, co-wrote and produced the series Mapleworth Murders, which is streaming on Roku. He is currently featured in the 3rd season of Girls5Eva on Netflix. Check out his website www.john-lutz.com and follow him on Twitter at @ShutupLutz and Instagram at @shutup_lutz.

Unconditional Support Workshop | 3 Hours

Peter Grosz

How can you become a more confident improviser, a better scene partner and the ultimate fellow teammate? By focusing on one thing: Unconditional Support. In this workshop, Peter Grosz will use the principles developed in the shows JTS Brown, 4 Square and 2 Square to show you how supporting the moves of your fellow players will actually make you a better, more confident improviser. If you’re feeling stuck and unsure of what to do, the answer is always Unconditional Support. Through a combination of individual and group exercises he’ll create the space for experimentation, risk and a ton of fun. Come shake off the cobwebs and rediscover the joy of improvisation.

Don’t miss Peter’s show 2 SQUARE! Click for details.

Unconditional Support

When: Saturday, April 5, 2025
3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Peter Grosz
CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street)

+ Meet Peter Grosz!

PETER GROSZ has been teaching improvisation and writing at various theaters across America for over 20 years. In Chicago he wrote and performed in four Second City resident company reviews and was a founding member of the experimental improv groups JTS Brown, 4 Square and 2 Square. He has written for The Colbert Report, Late Night With Seth Meyers and At Home With Amy Sedaris and was the Executive Producer/Showrunner for The President Show. On screens you’ve seen him in The Menu, Veep, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and more. On stage he was in the play Goodnight, Oscar starring Sean Hayes on Broadway. You can hear him on Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me on NPR and he was in a few commercials for Sonic drive-in, but only for 18 years so you might have missed them.

Simple & Sustainable Scenework Workshop | 3 Hours

Connor Ratliff

This workshop will help students focus on the basic principles of improv. The principles that help make improv scenes less stressful & more fun!

Don’t miss Connor’s show CONNOR RATLIFF presents THE ACTING CLASS! Click for details.


When: Saturday, May 9, 2025
2 PM - 5 PM
Connor Ratliff
CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street)

+ Meet Connor Ratliff!

Connor Ratliff is a New York-based actor/comedian and creator of the award-winning, critically acclaimed podcast, Dead Eyes. He has appeared in numerous films & TV shows, including The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Ghosts, Bob's Burgers, Search Party, Orange Is The New Black, The Great North, Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, The Daily Show, Don't Think Twice, Pinball: The Man Who Saved The Game, and the Mean Girls movie musical. You may have also heard him on This American Life, Comedy Bang Bang, or in the audiobook edition of Tom Hanks’ New York Times Best Selling debut novel, The Making Of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece.

A fixture of the NYC improv comedy scene, performing for over a decade at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, he can now be seen most weeks in the improvised show RAAAATSCRAPS on the lower east side at Caveat, or hosting the long-running cult comedy series, The George Lucas Talk Show. His latest project is the comedy podcast, Tiny Dinos, co-created by Astronomy Club's James III. It has been described as “funny” and “delightful.”

IMP100: Improv For Fun

Siobhan O’Hara

Want to try something new, but worried about committing too much too soon? IMP100: Improv for Fun is a simplified version of our 101 Intro to Improv course.

Part open-house, part workshop, come spend an evening with supportive and talented instructors who can help you dip your toe in the improv waters! No need for floaties, we'll be staying in the shallow end.

Bring a friend, or make some new ones, as you learn about the magic of improv and play some silly little games. 

IMP100: Improv For Fun

When: New Classes Coming Soon!
Siobhan O’Hara
CSz Mainstage (2030 Sansom Street)

+ Meet Siobhan!

Siobhan O’Hara is a Philly based comedian performing improv for 10 years in New York and Philadelphia. In addition to ComedySportz, Siobhan worked as a cast member of The She-Quel and Dun-Dun: Improvized Crime Unit. Siobhan has performed at Philly Improv Theater, Crossroads Comedy Theater, performs in This Week Sucked at The Lab in Ambler and is a member of the indie improv team, Daddy Issues. She is also the co-author of The Comedy Improv Handbook.

Details You Need To Know


PSI and CSz Philadelphia have implemented Safety Protocols to protect employees and patrons. Please read our Safety Protocols before enrolling in a class.

In-Person and Online

PSI offers in-person and online classes. In-person classes take place at our theater (2030 Sansom Street). All in-person students are required to follow our COVID policies while in the theater. Please read our Safety Protocols before enrolling in a class or workshop.

All of our online classes are done using ZOOM, the FREE video conferencing software. Participants will be able to see and be seen, hear and be heard, and interact with the Instructors and fellow students. After you purchase your class, you will get an email with the link to join the class before it starts. To learn more about ZOOM, click here.

To determine if a class is in-person or online, please look at the LOCATION field under the course description.

PSI is proud to offer LIVE CLOSED CAPTIONING for our online classes and workshops.


Prices are listed on the enrollment page. Just click the ENROLL NOW button next to the class. (Don’t worry, you won’t be enrolled by clicking.)

Sign up by the Early Bird Deadline and you’ll receive the biggest discount. If you sign up after that date, you’ll still get a discount, but not as big. If you sign up on the day of the class, you’ll pay full price.

You can also put a $100 deposit down and pay the difference on the first day of class! Please Note: The deposit is non-refundable.

Sign up for more than one class per semester and you’ll get a 15% discount on all secondary classes (discount cannot be combined with Scholarship classes).

Email or call us for details before you purchase a class.


CSz Philly is proud to offer scholarships to the diverse population of Philadelphia. In addition, we have partnered with the Black Improv Alliance. If you would like to apply for a Diversity Scholarship, please click below.


Have a question not covered here? Try our FAQ page. Learn more>

If you have any questions about our online classes, please email the Education Director.