This Week Sucked | IMPROV COMEDY
This Week Sucked
A comedic exploration of your crap week
CSz Philadelphia presents This Week Sucked, a new show that takes an audience member’s terrible week and turns it into fast-paced comedy.
Based on long-running shows in L.A. and Austin, This Week Sucked invites Philadelphia audience members to share stories of bad bosses, breakups, hookups, adulting challenges and general woes. The diverse cast recreates those stories through a series of comedic improvised scenes.
“This Week Sucked is about finding the comedy in crappy situations and the release that comes from seeing it acted out on stage,” says director, Erika May McNichol. “I love watching the audience member when they see their story interpreted onstage. They laugh the hardest which is a great feeling.”
The show is BYOB. Bring your best drink and your worst story and laugh at your crap week.
Cast: Joel Sumner, Shannon DeVido (not pictured), Jessie Preisendorfer, Emily Davis, Deepu Murthy, Mariah Min and Bob McNichol.
Director: Erika May McNichol
Show Times:
The last Friday of every month @ 8PM
Where: CSz Philadelphia, 2030 Sansom Street (between Walnut & Chestnut and 20th & 21st)
Running Time: 1 hour
Tickets: $10
CSz Philadelphia accepts cash and credit cards at the Box Office. Sorry, we no longer accept sob stories.