Fans! Support our Players and Staff AND get some great holiday presents for yourself or your loved ones. All proceeds go to the artist/author.

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Kreider Designs

Player Shaun Kreider is also a graphic artist and has an Etsy shop full of Pins, Stickers, Prints, and Original Artwork. Don’t see anything you want? He also takes art commissions! Check it out. :: Multiple Prices on Etsy

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Black Gentrifier

When he’s not making them laugh in ComedySportz, player Darryl Charles makes them laugh doing stand-up at Helium and Punchline Philly. This is Darryl’s first album recorded live at Helium Comedy Club. (Fun Fact: most of CSz Philly was there at the taping!) :: $10 on Bandcamp

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Do Or Do Not - How To Improvise Like A Jedi

Mary Carpenter (Author) has enough experience to write 100 improv books, and this is a great start. Combining her love of improv with her love of Star Wars, Mary gives you the tools to unlock your true Jedi improv powers and how to become your OWN improviser. :: $14.99 on Amazon


Jabari Made It

Are you a musician looking for beats for a new song, or maybe you’re a filmmaker looking for that moody backing track. Jabari Dortch has a growing collection of beats for sale. Check them out! :: Multiple Prices on Beatstars

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Daralyse Lyons

Daralyse is an improviser, but first and foremost she is a writer. As Daralyse Lyons, she has penned twenty novels, a nonfiction book about healing, two memoirs, a wide variety of articles and numerous short stories.

As Maggy Williams, she writes children’s books and young adult literature. :: Multiple Prices on Website

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Vagina Strong: Faith, sex and life through the journey of a virgin

Follow Cecily Alexandria (Author) as she explores her own life as a conservative Christian and the evolution she makes as she enters her 30s and considers sex, compassion, and love as options outside of her traditional conservative understanding. :: $12 on Amazon

Rosie Cocchiario

Art Tutorials

Player Rosie Cocchiaro is a teacher, a performer, an artist, and cites Ms Frizzle as one of her educational role models. Rosie is passionate about bringing art tutorials to young artists for fun or part of a supplemental Art Education. :: Multiple Prices on Patreon

ComedySportz Merch

We use BONFIRE for processing and fulfillment. The below link takes you to our store on their website.


Virtually Live! T-Shirt

Buy limited-run t-shirts and help CSz Philadelphia keep the lights on. :: $20 on Bonfire

5 colors available


Got Your Back T-Shirt

“Got Your Back” is how our Players show their support of their teammates on and off the field. Show your support of CSz Philadelphia and the LGBTQIA+ community with this fantastic design. :: $25-30 on Bonfire

2 designs, multiple colors